Meet Millionaire Witch Doctor Who Owns A Ksh40 Million Mansion

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In Africa there is a high belief in witch doctors due to our old culture and even with modernization the doctors are still in high demand. An example is Ambilikile Mwasapile who has thousands of East African customers who make their way to Tanzania – Kenya border at a village called Loliondo to seek help.

Many people would spend thousands of shilling on witch doctors to seek help for things like curse removal, getting rich or even gaining political prominence. This has led to some of the witch doctors to become millionaires.

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An example is Annah Mutheu a witchdoctor who claims to have inherited the craft from her parents. She is a class eight drop out (Katwii Primary School) but currently she is a multi-millionaire.

One surprising thing is that she uses the Bible to help her clients and she is a regular church attender. She is 39 years old and has three children. She has invested a lot in her Ksh40 million lavish house which actually helps her attract more clients. She also owns her own apartments and expensive cars.


Clients waiting early morning at her residence

She claims to have powers to heal people from demonic attacks, power to catch thieves plus make them return stuff and confess, she prepares charms for her clients’ businesses to make them prosperous etc.