
Babish Culinary Universe Net Worth: How Much Money He Makes On YouTube

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Babish Culinary Universe Net Worth – $16.8 Million


Babish Culinary Universe is a cooking YouTube channel created by an American guy from New York called Andrew Rea. He has an estimated net worth of $16.8 million. Every week he posts various videos of him recreating foods that many have always wanted to try in movies and on television. He started out back in February 2016 by doing a complex turkey burger from the comedy Parks & Recreation. Some of his most popular videos are his recreation of Krabby Patty from Spongebob, Jake’s Perfect Sandwich from Adventure Time and Bob’s Burgers.

Before YouTube, Andrew graduated from Hofstra University with a Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Production in 2009. He began working at Switch FX Inc as a digital effects artist.

How Much Money Does Babish Culinary Universe Earn On YouTube?

The channel has over 10.5 million subscribers as of 2024 and has accumulated over 2.8 billion views so far. It is able to get an average of 400,000 views per day from different sources. This should generate an estimated revenue of around $3,000 per day ($1.1 million a year) from the ads that appear on the videos.

YouTube content creators based in the US, UK, Canada and Australia generally get paid $2 – $12 per 1000 monetized views after YouTube takes its cut. Monetized views usually range from 40% – 80% of the total views. All these are influenced by several factors like the device played on, time of the year, the location of the viewer, ad inventory, how many ads there are on a video, how many people skip the ads, type of advertisement, ad engagement, type of content, etc.

The cost of an ad view is based on an auction between advertisers based on views. Advertisers have to bid a minimum of $0.01 per view. There is also a program known as Google Preferred where deep-pocketed companies can target ads on the top 5% most popular content. The ad rates here are higher than normal.


Apart from ads, YouTube content creators also generate extra income from other methods such as YouTube Premium, Superchats & Superstickers, Super Thanks, Channel Membership and Shopping.

YouTube Premium viewers pay a monthly fee to view premium content on YouTube and watch videos without ads. Here, content creators get paid based on watch time on their videos. The longer the viewers watch their videos, the more money they earn.

Super Chat and Super Sticker are used by fans to connect with creators during live streams and premiers. When one buys a Super Chat, their comment is highlighted within the live chat while the Super Stickers get an animated image that surfaces in live chat. Super Thanks lets creators earn revenue from viewers who want to show extra gratitude for their videos. Fans can buy a one-time animation and get to post a distinct, colorful, and customizable comment in the video’s comment section.

Shopping allows eligible creators to connect their stores to YouTube to feature their own products.

YouTube Shorts generate revenue in a different way as compared to traditional videos. The revenue from ads appearing between Shorts will be pooled together then a portion of the total revenue will be allocated to a Creator Pool. Eligible creators will be paid based on their share of total views.


General Expenses

Content creators incur a wide variety of expenses to create their content. These can include things like production costs, employee salaries, travel expenses, rent, buying new equipment, utilities, amenities, entertainment, subscription fees and other living expenses. One of the biggest expenses for most creators is taxes. Your tax brackets generally depend on your income. In a country like the United States, the highest tax rate is 37%. A combination of all these expenses determines one’s ability to save and invest, consequently how much one’s net worth grows.


Other Sources Of Income

i) Sponsorship

Andrew makes extra income by getting brand deals from different companies. He has promoted brands such as Bright Cellars, Squarespace, Warner Brothers Games, Lionsgate, Ancho Ryes, Pronamel, Sensodyne, Bokksu, Hubspot, Keeps, etc.

ii) Books & Merchandise

He also released two books named Basics With Babish and Binging With Babish: The Cookbook. He also sells various cookware on his website under his brand name. These include items such as boning knives, braisers, dutch ovens, cast iron skillets, saute pans, etc.

iii) Investments

Investments refer to the allocation of funds into various assets or financial instruments with the expectation of generating a return over time. The primary purpose of investments is to grow wealth, preserve capital, or meet specific financial goals. There are various forms of investments, including stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, and alternative investments like commodities or cryptocurrencies. Each investment type carries its own set of risks and potential rewards.