How Much Money WatchMojo Makes On YouTube

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WatchMojo is a Canadian video content producer, publisher and syndicator on YouTube that mainly does “Top Ten” videos plus other videos touching on a variety of subjects. The channel uploads a minimum of 5 videos per day and this has led to it having over 10,000 videos under its belt. The company was created by media executive and entrepreneur Ashkan Karbasfrooshan, Raphael Daigneault and Christine Voulieris in 2005

How Much Money Does WatchMojo Make On YouTube?

WatchMojo has over 24 million subscribers as of 2022 and has accumulated over 15.5 billion views since 2007 making one of the most successful YouTube channels outside the music industry. In a day the channel gets an average of 2.2 million views across its thousands of videos and this will in turn generate an estimated ad revenue of around $17,000 per day ($6 million a year).

YouTube content creators based in the US, UK, Canada and Australia generally get paid $2 – $12 per 1000 monetized views after YouTube takes its cut. Monetized views usually range from 40% – 80% of the total views. All these are influenced by several factors like the device played on, time of the year, the location of the viewer, ad inventory, how many ads there are on a video, how many people skip the ads, type of advertisement, ad engagement, type of content, etc. The cost of an ad view is based on an auction between advertisers based on views. Advertisers have to bid a minimum of $0.01 per view.

There is also a program known as Google Preferred where deep-pocketed companies can target ads on the top 5% most popular content. The ad rates here are higher than normal. Apart from ads, YouTubers also generate extra from YouTube Red viewers who pay a monthly fee to view premium content on YouTube plus watch videos without ads. Here they get paid based on watch time on their videos. The longer the viewers watch their videos, the more money they earn.

Watchmojo licenses its videos to other media properties which generate extra revenue for the company